FR-Monitor is the software platform for

  • the control of all FR-tools and their accessories and
  • for spectral processing for the measurement of standard optical properties (absorbance, transmittance, reflectance), film thickness(es) and refractive index, uniformity, colour ...

FR-Monitor Demo Version

FR-Monitor Demo Version

FR-Monitor Demo Version

A demo version of FR-Monitor is available to potential customers. This version is fully functional (thickness measurement, refractive index dispersion calculation) for the experimental spectra that are provided along with it. Certain features such as  Fourier transform for thick films are disabled.

Potential customers are kindly invited to contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to discuss their particular needs in order to provide them with the FR-Monitor v3.3 Demo and the related experimental files.


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